specialized services
Specialized transportation is available for persons with disabilities and seniors in the City of Quinte West and the Municipality of Brighton.
This specialized service is available to persons who are:
Physically or mentally challenged, or
Unable to climb or descend stairs or,
Unable to walk a distance of 175 meters or,
Seniors who need transportation assistance
The service operates Monday to Friday, 7 am to 6pm with evening, weekend and holiday service available upon request.
Prince Edward County Residents Click Here
Service is available for:
Medical Appointments
Social Events
to be eligible for our service, you must
Reside in the City of Quinte West or the Municipality of Brighton
Be physically or mentally challenged OR
Be a Senior (55+)
Prince Edward County residents
Prince Edward County residents Register Here.
Quinte West and Brighton Residents
Quinte West and Brighton Residents fill out the form below or download our Registration Form and:
Email: info@quintetransit.ca
Mail or in person: 30 Pelham St., Ste #1 Trenton, ON K8V 5A7
Fax: 613-392-3872